Because sometimes we have a lot to tell

Multi-layer peel and reseal labels.
Multi-layer English

Multi-layer self-adhesive labels

We produce multilayer peel-and-reseal labels with up to 10 layers (19 printable sides) in a range of colours and sizes. Labels can be opened with no loss of quality and are fully water-resistant.


Curious about what the multilayer labels look like in practice?

Louis-Charles De Prez of Q8 explains why he chose Etivoet and how the cooperation went.

product image


Our unique multilayer and peel-and-reveal labels offer 19 printable sides in a single label affixed to your product. Labels can be easily opened and closed with no loss of quality. Moreover, they are available in a wide range of materials, most fully water-resistant. Application is quick and incident-free thanks to their consistent thickness. Besides displaying any legally required information, they also offer plenty of extra space for recipes, instructions, information about your company or special offers, and more. Plenty of customers have already discovered the advantages of switching from booklet labels with paper pages to our multilayer labels.


  • 19 printed pages
  • 8 colours per page
  • mini to maxi sizes

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The Ultralayer gives you the possibility to present your product in a better way. You now get 10 filmic layers with 19 printable pages to add to your packaging. It’s the first of his kind. More pages means:

  • more space for product information;
  • more space for appealing product design in up to 10 colors;
  • and eventually a bigger chance to win the attention of your audience.

The Ultralayer label is available in every shape you wish. Small and large formats. Choosing this high-value label gives your product a high-quality look. It’s self-adhesive, water-resistant and counterfeit proof. And it includes Braille Triangle on the front page to finish it off. You really get your packaging to a higher level.

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In Etivoet, we have found a sustainable partner who can provide us with innovative labels at very attractive prices. Their multi-layer or peel and reseal labels offer all the advantages of a booklet without the disadvantages. They are water-resistant, easy to apply to the entire product range and look amazing. The Etivoet pentalabel is unique in this market and emerged as the perfect solution which we had been seeking for years.

Contactblok Frederik

One of our experts is always on hand to help you, so don’t hesitate to contact Frederik.

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Mathias Etivoet

One of our experts is always on hand to help you, so don’t hesitate to contact Mathias.

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Interested to use this innovative label?

We are happy to listen to your needs and wishes. Together we will find the best solution for your company.

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